Generational marketing: What you need to consider when targeting different generations through paid advertising

Sarah Swindale
June 27, 2024

Generational marketing recognises that different age groups have distinct preferences, behaviours, and motivations. When targeting these groups through paid advertising, understanding their unique characteristics can significantly enhance your campaign’s effectiveness. 

Here’s what you need to consider when tailoring your marketing efforts to different generations.

1. Understanding the Generations

Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964): Baby Boomers are typically characterised by their work ethic, loyalty and value for quality and service. They tend to prefer traditional marketing channels but are increasingly engaging with digital content, especially on Facebook.

Generation X (Born 1965-1980): Generation X values independence, flexibility and authenticity. They are tech-savvy, having adapted to digital technologies later in life, and are active on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. They appreciate straightforward, no-nonsense messaging.

Millennials (Born 1981-1996): Millennials are digital natives, comfortable with technology and social media. They value experiences, social proof and brand authenticity. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and increasingly LinkedIn are effective channels for reaching them.

Generation Z (Born 1997-2012): Gen Z is the first fully digital generation, with a preference for fast, visual content. They are highly active on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. They value diversity, inclusivity and brands that take a stand on social issues.

2. Crafting Your Message

Tailored Messaging: Each generation responds to different types of messaging. Baby Boomers may appreciate more detailed information and testimonials, while Gen Z prefers concise, visually appealing content. Tailor your messaging to meet the expectations and preferences of each group.

Value Propositions: Highlight value propositions that resonate with each generation. For instance, Baby Boomers may respond well to messages about reliability and service, while Millennials might be more interested in experiences and social proof. Gen Z, on the other hand, looks for authenticity and inclusivity in brand messaging.

Tone and Style: Adjust the tone and style of your ads to match the communication preferences of your target generation. A formal and informative tone might work well for Baby Boomers, while a casual, engaging and even playful tone could be more effective for Gen Z.

3. Choosing the Right Platforms

Baby Boomers: Although they are more traditional, Baby Boomers are becoming increasingly active on digital platforms. Facebook is a key channel for reaching this demographic. Consider using email marketing and content that focuses on value and service quality.

Generation X: This group is active on both Facebook and LinkedIn. They appreciate informative content that addresses their pain points. Consider using a mix of social media advertising, email marketing, and search engine marketing to reach them effectively.

Millennials: To connect with Millennials, leverage platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Visual content, stories and user-generated content can be particularly effective. Consider using influencer marketing to add authenticity and social proof to your campaigns.

Generation Z: Gen Z prefers platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. They respond well to short, engaging videos and interactive content. Use these platforms to create visually appealing ads that are authentic and inclusive.

4. Ad Formats and Content Types

Video Content: Across all generations, video content is highly engaging. However, the type and length of videos can vary. Baby Boomers might appreciate detailed explainer videos, while Gen Z prefers short, snappy clips on platforms like TikTok.

User-Generated Content: Millennials and Gen Z, in particular, value user-generated content. Encourage your customers to share their experiences and feature this content in your ads to build trust and authenticity.

Interactive Content: Interactive content such as polls, quizzes and augmented reality experiences can be particularly engaging for Gen Z and Millennials. These formats encourage participation and can drive higher engagement rates.

Storytelling: Stories resonate well with all generations but tailor the narrative style to suit your audience. Baby Boomers and Gen X may prefer detailed, inspirational stories, while Millennials and Gen Z might engage more with concise, relatable, and visually appealing narratives.

Need Help Targeting Different Generations?

Understanding generational differences is key to creating effective paid advertising campaigns. By tailoring your messaging, choosing the right platforms, and using the appropriate ad formats, you can better connect with each generation. 

If you need assistance in crafting generational marketing strategies, book a chat with us today and let’s optimise your campaigns for maximum impact!

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