How to get customers to actually fill out forms and get in touch

Sarah Swindale
June 11, 2024

Getting potential customers to fill out forms on your website and reach out can be a challenging task. Many businesses struggle with this crucial step in the customer acquisition process. 

However, by implementing some proven strategies, you can significantly increase the number of form submissions and enquiries. Here’s how to make your forms irresistible and encourage potential clients to get in touch.

1. Simplify Your Forms

Keep It Short and Sweet: One of the main reasons people abandon forms is because they are too long and complicated. Only ask for essential information. Typically, name, email address, and a brief message or phone number should suffice. The shorter and more straightforward your form, the more likely it is that customers will complete it.

Use Clear and Simple Language: Avoid jargon and keep your instructions clear. Make sure each field has a descriptive label and, if necessary, a brief explanation of what information is required. This reduces confusion and makes the form-filling process smoother for your potential customers.

2. Offer Incentives

Provide Value in Exchange: Offering something in return for filling out a form can significantly boost your conversion rates. This could be a free eBook, a discount on their first purchase, a free consultation, or access to exclusive content. Make sure the incentive is relevant and valuable to your target audience.

Highlight the Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of filling out the form. Let potential customers know what they will gain from getting in touch. Whether it’s solving a problem, saving time, or receiving expert advice, make sure they understand the value you’re offering.

3. Optimise Form Placement and Design

Strategic Placement: Place your forms where they are most likely to be seen and filled out. This could be at the top of your landing page or prominently on your homepage. Consider using pop-ups or slide-ins that appear after a certain amount of time or when a user is about to leave the page.

Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure your forms are optimised for mobile devices. With more people accessing websites via their phones, a mobile-friendly form is crucial. Forms should be easy to fill out on any device, with large fields and buttons that are easy to tap.

Visual Appeal: A well-designed form attracts more attention and is more likely to be completed. Use a clean and simple design that matches your website’s overall aesthetic. Ensure there is enough contrast between the text and background for readability and use white space effectively to make the form look less daunting.

4. Build Trust and Reduce Friction

Provide Social Proof: Show potential customers that others have successfully filled out your forms and benefited from your services. This could be in the form of testimonials, case studies, or user reviews displayed near the form. Social proof can reduce hesitation and build trust.

Ensure Privacy and Security: Make it clear that you value the privacy of your potential customers. Include a brief statement about how their information will be used and protected. Adding security badges or certifications can also reassure users that their data is safe.

Remove Barriers: Identify and eliminate any obstacles that might prevent someone from filling out your form. This could be anything from confusing questions to technical glitches. Regularly test your forms to ensure they work smoothly across all devices and browsers.

Need Help with Form Optimisation?

Creating an effective form that encourages potential customers to get in touch requires a combination of simplicity, incentives, strategic design, and trust-building elements. 

If you need assistance in optimising your forms and boosting your enquiry rates, reach out for a chat today and let’s enhance your customer acquisition strategy!

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