I just got a lead from my Paid Ads - What do I do?

Sarah Swindale
June 13, 2024

Congratulations! You’ve just received a lead from your paid ads campaign. This is a significant step towards growing your business, but the work doesn’t stop here.


To convert this lead into a paying customer, you need to follow a strategic process. Here’s what you should do next.

1. Respond Quickly

Immediate Acknowledgment: The first thing you need to do is acknowledge the lead as soon as possible. Send an automated email or message confirming receipt of their inquiry. This reassures the lead that their request has been received and that someone will be in touch shortly.

Timely Follow-Up: Aim to follow up personally within an hour of receiving the lead. Studies have shown that the chances of converting a lead are highest within this timeframe. A prompt response demonstrates your professionalism and eagerness to assist, which can significantly boost your chances of making a sale.

2. Qualify the Lead

Understand Their Needs: When you reach out, ask open-ended questions to understand the lead’s needs and pain points. This could include questions like, "What specific challenges are you facing?" or "What are your goals with our service?" Understanding their needs helps you tailor your approach and offer solutions that are relevant to them.

Assess Fit: Not all leads are a perfect fit for your business. Use your initial conversation to determine if the lead’s needs align with what your service offers. If they are not a good fit, it’s better to find out early and save time and resources for leads that have a higher potential for conversion.

3. Provide Value

Personalised Communication: Based on the information you gathered during the qualification stage, provide personalised advice or recommendations. This demonstrates your expertise and shows that you are genuinely interested in helping the lead solve their problems.

Share Relevant Resources: Offer valuable resources such as case studies, white papers, or blog posts that address the lead’s specific concerns. Providing useful information can build trust and position your business as a credible and knowledgeable source.

4. Nurture the Relationship

Regular Follow-Ups: Stay in touch with the lead through regular follow-ups. This could be through email, phone calls, or even social media. The goal is to keep the conversation going and build a relationship. Make sure each follow-up adds value and moves the lead closer to making a decision.

Offer a Free Consultation: Invite the lead to a free consultation or demo of your service. This gives them a chance to see firsthand how your service can benefit them and allows you to address any questions or concerns they might have.

5. Close the Deal

Present a Tailored Proposal: Once the lead is ready, present a tailored proposal that outlines how your service will meet their needs and solve their problems. Be clear about the benefits and value they will receive, and make it easy for them to say yes.

Handle Objections: Be prepared to handle any objections the lead might have. Listen carefully to their concerns and provide thoughtful, honest answers. Addressing objections effectively can help build trust and reassure the lead that they are making the right decision.

Seal the Deal: When the lead is convinced, guide them through the process of becoming a customer. This could involve signing a contract, making a payment, or scheduling the first service. Ensure the process is smooth and straightforward to make the transition as easy as possible.

Need Help Converting Leads from Paid Ads?

Converting a lead from your paid ads into a paying customer requires a strategic approach and diligent follow-up. 

If you need assistance in optimising your lead conversion process, book a chat with us today and let’s ensure you make the most out of every lead you receive!

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