The top 5 latest trends in website design and user experience

Sarah Swindale
September 15, 2023

When it comes to having a stand-out website, the days of templates and static-design are long gone. These days your website needs to be smart, clever and serve the user in unique ways. 

It comes down to the small ways we consider the user. How do we help them read easier, smile and consume the content on the website in a more memorable and constructive way. 

The trends we discuss in this blog do just that - they focus on helping web users digest web content in a way that will have them remembering the experience well after they’ve closed your browser tab. Read below on these trends, and how you can make the most of them.

Dark mode

With more and more people spending extended periods of time online, the issue of eye strain has become increasingly prevalent. This is especially true at night when bright screens can be particularly harsh on the eyes. That's where Dark Mode comes in - a feature that's rapidly gaining popularity in website design and user experience.

Dark Mode is essentially a feature that allows users to switch their device's user interface (UI) and background to a darker colour scheme. This feature is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has several practical benefits. For one, it reduces eye strain, especially when users are browsing at night or in dimly lit environments. Additionally, it can help save battery life on devices with OLED screens, as darker pixels require less energy to display.

The popularity of Dark Mode has led many websites and apps to incorporate this feature into their design. For example, social media giant Twitter introduced a Dark Mode feature in 2016, and since then, it has become a standard feature on many popular social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Even search engine giant Google has adopted a dark mode feature for its various products and services, including YouTube, Gmail, and Google Maps.

One of the biggest advantages of Dark Mode is that it offers a different look and feel to a website or app. It can provide a sleek and sophisticated appearance, which can make a website look more modern and aesthetically pleasing. It can also help to highlight important content, making it easier for users to read and navigate the site.

Voice User Interface (VUI)

The rise of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant has led to the emergence of Voice User Interfaces (VUI) as a popular trend in website design and user experience. VUI refers to a system that allows users to interact with websites and apps using voice commands and speech recognition technology.

One of the key advantages of VUI is that it provides a hands-free, intuitive and more natural way to navigate a website or app. It eliminates the need for users to type or click on buttons, making it especially useful for those who have difficulty using traditional interfaces, such as the elderly or those with disabilities. Additionally, VUI is becoming increasingly popular with mobile users who are often on the go and don't have the time or convenience to type out lengthy searches or commands.

VUI can be implemented in different ways, depending on the website or app's design and purpose. For example, a retail website may use VUI to help customers find products more easily, by providing voice search and product recommendation features. Similarly, a news website may offer a voice-activated feature that allows users to listen to news articles while doing other tasks. Gaming websites can also use VUI to enhance the user experience, by allowing users to use voice commands to control game characters.

The future of VUI is bright, as advances in technology continue to make it more accurate and responsive. With the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), VUI can also learn from user behaviour and preferences, which can lead to a more personalised and tailored experience.


Minimalism is a design philosophy that's been around for decades and has continued to remain popular in website design and user experience. Minimalism is characterised by the use of simple and clean design elements, such as monochromatic colour schemes, clear typography, and ample white space. It's about creating a user interface that's uncluttered, intuitive, and easy to navigate.

One of the key benefits of minimalism is that it creates a sense of elegance and sophistication that can enhance the user's experience. It allows users to focus on the most important content without being distracted by unnecessary elements. Additionally, minimalism is ideal for creating a mobile-friendly website, as it prioritises functionality and accessibility, making it easier for users to browse the website on smaller screens.

Minimalism can also help to improve website loading times, which is important for both user experience and search engine optimisation. By reducing the number of design elements and prioritising content, minimalism can help to minimise the file size of a website, leading to faster loading times and a better user experience.

When it comes to implementing minimalism in website design, it's important to strike the right balance between simplicity and functionality. A minimalist design shouldn't sacrifice functionality or compromise the user's ability to navigate the site. It's important to ensure that the website's purpose and content are still communicated effectively.


Animation is a powerful trend in website design and user experience that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to the use of moving images, graphics, and other design elements to create a more engaging and interactive user experience. Animations can range from simple hover effects to more complex visual stories that unfold as the user scrolls through the website.

One of the key benefits of animation is that it can help to capture the user's attention and keep them engaged with the website's content. It can also help to communicate complex ideas or data in a more intuitive and visually appealing way. Additionally, animation can be used to add personality and brand identity to a website, helping to create a unique and memorable user experience.

There are different types of animation that can be used in website design, depending on the website's purpose and audience. For example, micro-animations can be used to provide feedback or confirmation to the user when they perform an action, such as clicking a button or submitting a form. 

When it comes to implementing animation in website design, it's important to strike the right balance between engagement and functionality. Animations should be used sparingly and strategically, to avoid overwhelming or distracting the user from the website's content. It's also important to consider the impact of animations on website loading times and accessibility for users with disabilities.


Personalisation is a trend in website design and user experience that involves tailoring the website's content and design to the individual user's preferences and behaviour. It can range from simple personalisation, such as greeting the user by name, to more complex personalisation, such as recommending products or content based on the user's browsing history.

One of the key benefits of personalisation is that it can help to create a more engaging and relevant user experience. By showing content that's tailored to the user's interests and needs, personalisation can increase the user's engagement with the website and improve their overall experience. It can also help to build brand loyalty and increase conversions, by providing users with personalised recommendations and offers.

Personalisation can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as using cookies to track the user's behaviour on the website or using data from social media platforms to personalise content. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can also be used to analyse user data and provide more accurate and relevant personalisation.

When it comes to implementing personalisation in website design, it's important to balance customisation with privacy and security concerns. Users should be informed about the data that's being collected and how it will be used, and they should have the option to opt-out of personalised content if they choose to do so. It's also important to ensure that personalisation doesn't compromise the website's functionality or accessibility for users with disabilities.

Website design and user experience are constantly evolving, with new trends emerging and gaining popularity. From dark mode and voice user interface to minimalism, animation, and personalisation, there are several design elements that can enhance the user's experience and create a more engaging and intuitive website.

By incorporating these trends into website design, businesses can create a website that not only looks great but also offers a seamless and intuitive user experience. However, it's important to remember that not all trends may be suitable for every website, and that functionality and accessibility should always be a top priority.

Ultimately, the key to successful website design and user experience is to keep the user's needs and preferences at the forefront, while also staying ahead of the curve by incorporating new trends and technologies. By doing so, businesses can create a website that not only meets the user's expectations but also helps them achieve their goals. If you’re looking to implement any of the above trends into your business, reach out and have a chat with us today.

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